Analysts at Gartner, a leading company in the assessment of global IT market, announced that during 2013, about 23 percent of total world investment in the IT industry, or about 875 billion dollars, was spent on IT outsourcing.
According to the professional website for research of outsourcing in the IT industry for the Eastern Europe markets (ITOnews.eu), a year ago, the value of Serbian outsourcing in this area was estimated at 200 million dollars. Such big business was generated by approximately 240 domestic companies, or about 5,200 employees in IT services. The same source states that the average labor cost for Serbian IT specialists was around $ 24 per hour, with a maximum of up to $ 40 per hour for project managers. Some global giants were listed among the largest IT service seekers, such as Adobe Inc., Cisco Systems, NVidya, EurekaLabs, Globe, iBank, Johnson Controls, Microsoft, Peopleclick Authoria, Siemens, SKF Group, SPX Cororation, Web Biz Networks.
Business Statistics in Serbia over the past year show that the most wanted and best paid professions in Serbia are in the ICT sector. Wages in this sector are double the national average. The constant increase in demand for trained personnel in the ICT sector is related mainly to increasing number of foreign IT companies, which bring a part of their successful business to Serbia. In the past few years, the government of the Republic of Serbia has recognized this trend and taken specific steps to improve the business climate in Serbia in this area. Last year, the Government of the Republic of Serbia included in their calendar a visit to Silicon Valley in the United States and the largest international IT giants such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, HP…
Students who are studying in the field of information technology at the second year of study have a chance for professional practice in large companies, and possible employment before graduation.
Our offer for business organization
We have recognized this tendency and we have included the outsourcing services into our company’s offer. We are already proud of successfully implemented projects with several large French IT company.
Paxton Equity has teams guided by experienced programmers, with more than 3 years of experience which guarantees quality and efficiency of our services. If your company has a need for human resources when performing ICT project, Paxton Equity can offer you a team of IT professionals to create web, desktop or mobile applications.
The working environment of our company fulfills all European standards, and we can meet all individual requirements. Our offices are located in the center of Belgrade, and equipped with the most modern means of work.
Programming languages and programming technology
Paxton Equity is one of the first companies in Serbia which offers outsourcing services, so we have formed teams that specialize in a number of programming languages. Therefore, we can offer solutions to create almost any project, effectively and efficiently.
Our programming teams already have years of experience and extensive knowledge in the most wanted programming technologies, such as:
JAVA Technologies – Development of applications in the Java programming language and related technologies.
PHP web technology – web applications in PHP programming languages and technologies such as Zend Framework, Magento e-commerce platform, mainly in conjunction with MySQL or PostgreSQL database under Apache + PHP application server
Mobile technology – the development of Android and iOS applications designed for mobile devices…
Monitoring of new technologies
We all witness how the world of information technology is developing rapidly before our eyes. One of the main goals of our company is the latest application development with technologies and programming methods. Our company is always up-to-date with the latest methods of programming and all the newest software solutions.
However, we are also aware how quickly technology becomes outdated, and applications that are several years old still require upgrade and latest versions. Based on experience and customer requirements, we can provide and upgrade existing projects developed in older technologies.
Paxton Equity Outsourcing
Paxton Equity offers top quality and quick implementation of your projects. Financial part in IT is always related to the number of hours spent, so Paxton Equity takes into account the efficiency of project implementation, but puts your satisfaction with the quality of our services first.
Your success is our priority!