Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia have been struck by the worst weather in past 120 years.
Several Serbian cities were hardly hit by the floods and more than 20.000 people were evacuated from their houses.
People of Serbia showed an enormous solidarity and humanity. Thousands of the volunteers were active in giving help and support to their compatriots. While the ones were reinforcing the dikes in order to prevent the overflow of Sava, the others were helping the victims of the floods to be lodged in provisional shelters.
From the beginning of the floods, Paxton Equity was active in helping victims. In addition to 700 euros which our company donated to the humanitarian funds, the employees of Paxton took part in lodging the victims and brought clothing and food in the provisional shelters. We will continue to provide the assistance to those in need.
France has sent forty rescuers of civil Safety, specialized in the watery rescue. We invite our partners and friends to participate in providing humanitarian aid as far as possible, because in this moment, Serbia needs it.
If you wish to bring your assistance to the victims of the floods, you can find instructions in this link: http://www.floodrelief.gov.rs/eng/
We thank all those who had helped.